Why do we work

Why do we work

My great grandmother worked until the last minute of her breadth. She had no reason to work as she was aged and her Grand children and even great grand children were taking good care of her.

Each time she was taken to the city, just few weeks, she would start crying to go home. She would complain of her goats, chickens, farms and fruits.

I have been deep in contemplation to find out her reason for working as most people gave their own reason, money. Few added good living.

In Oleh, Isoko South, Delta State, I grew up to meet a man called Power. Power earns his wages from hewing firewood.. But in addition, he took it upon himself to be cleaning the market. He would singlehandedly sweet the whole market. I learned that he refused payment for such work.

He was not living in affluence. He had just a small hut yet care less about money. I'm still baffled to why he did.

Considering these examples, why did they work?
Are there any lessons we could pick from these case scenario?

Source - https://www.facebook.com/groups/607870643192299/


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