Gain At The Top!

Gain At The Top!
Have you ever climbed a mountain or a hill to the top of it? What is your view of the landscape while on top? What is the freshness and coldness of the air while on top?

I guess if you have ever climbed a mountain or a hill, then the answers will be beautiful landscape and a cold fresh air, or something similar in adjective. 

But remain, how was the experience while going up? A painful experience!

This is it! Life is like a mountain and going to the tops requires a lot of pains but when you are on top, everything becomes beautiful and good.

Just like the mountain climbers have strategies for climbing the mountain to the top, successful people also have strategies. Learn from them and you will also be a success and the painful experience will not stop you.

Be a climber! Be a rock climber!! Be a mountaineer!!!

V’3 & H+


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