Life’s A Process

Life’s A Process

Today let’s take another look at life using the break of a day as an illustration. The process of life is similitude to the process of the day.

At midnight, the day is very dark but gradually light is shed till the day becomes very bright. The day can never be dawned in a jiffy, it takes time and process.

You might be in the dark time of your life now but I assure you that if you don’t stop doing the right thing your dawn is around the corner.

Also note that at times the day is becomes dark unusually even when it’s not the time to be dark. This indicates that at times even when our life is bright we may experience darkness.

Just like the sayings, “A day at a time” and “Everything has time” so is life. Life have time; every life with its unique time. Life is gradually just like the day!

V’3 & H+


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