Your Timeline Not Mine

Your Timeline Not Mine 

Many often compare themselves with others. They often try to look down on themselves because they haven’t maybe achieved what the other person whom they are comparing themselves with have achieved. 

Life is not the same; everyone and thing have its own speed and timeline. This is even seen in the different locations in the world. The time in Nigeria is not the time in Canada. So don’t be fret! 

Some place on earth starts their day earlier than others, and so it life. Those that start their day first also end their day first by entering in to the night. 

Have this mentality that you have your time, but you should not fold your hands and do nothing. Don’t be like the clock without a battery or with a dead battery. Be a clock with a battery that is working. 

A working clock in New Zealand will always spin 24 hours for a day to be completed in New Zealand even if the working clock in Dubai has completed its 24 hours spin a day. 

V’3 & H+


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